Dear KuSwappers,
The v1 farming rewards will be phased out on February 12, 2022 (30 days migration period). This means that you have to unstake your LP tokens from v1 to v2 farms to keep earning rewards from the farms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Why are we migrating to V2?
A: V2 Farms are where KUSGOV rewards are incorporated. Please read this medium article for more information: KuSwap Triple Update: Invite to Earn, KUSGOV Farming Bonus, and NEW KUS Farms
Q: How do we migrate to V2?
A: Just withdraw your LP tokens from the V1 Farms and deposit it into the V2 Farms. There is no need to break your LP tokens.
Q: Will all farms be migrated?
A: All except one. The WBTC-KCS will be replaced by BTCK-KCS farm.
Q: Why is the WBTC-KCS Farm being replaced by BTCK-KCS?
A: WBTC was used before KuCoin integrated BTCK into their exchange. Since this BTC token is what KuCoin supported, we are going to use it on order to avoid confusion and loss of tokens due to human error e.g. the possibility of someone sending WBTC to BTCK address in KuCoin.
Q: What should I do if I am currently farming the WBTC-KCS pair?
Step 1: Withdraw your LP tokens from the farm.
Step 2: Bridge over your WBTC to Ethereum using the Multichain (formerly AnySwap) bridge here. Make sure your wallet is connected to KCC Mainnet in order to bridge your WBTC to the Ethereum chain.
Step 3: Send your BTC to KuCoin
Step 4: Withdraw BTC to your Metamask using the KCC Network.
Step 5. Deposit BTCK and KCS in the BTCK-KCS LP
Step 6: Deposit LP Tokens in V2 Farm
Q: I have more questions regarding this migration. Who can I talk to?
A: You can visit our telegram tech support at
IMPORTANT: KuSwap admins will never message you first. Beware of scammers.
What’s coming this month? 🔥
💥 Boosted APY for v2 Farm
😎 NFT Marketplace update
🥳 KuCoin Lomen NFT launch
🤯 KUSFox Collection
😻 OtakuCats Collection
🤑 Multichain Bonds
🤩 Stake KUSGov — Earn wKCS
🤫 KuSwap v3 Proposal
And much more is yet to be revealed.